Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 26, 2016

Dates to Remember:

Tuesday, September 22nd: SME Picture Day
Friday, September 30th: SME All School Hike

Making Stone Soup!

Last Thursday, we made "stone soup" together with vegetables and herbs from our garden and our students' families gardens. On Friday, we shared our soup together at lunch. We also enjoyed the zucchini bread students brought from home. We gave offered the sixth grade friends soup, as well as the third grade (who did not have a garden this year). Our soup created a wonderful aroma in the school hallway and was delicious! Afterwards, our fifth graders reported that they thought this was a great "community building" exercise for them because they all were patient with each other, took turns, worked together as a team and had fun. 

Friday's "stone soup" lunch...


The End...