Sunday, April 24, 2016

Welcome Back to School! We hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing, and rejuvenating break!

Thanks to everyone who came out to Expo before vacation!  There were some great displays of student learning and it was great to hear both our 5th and 6th grade bands play!  They sounded awesome!

You've probably already heard the news, but  Mrs. Rose is expecting a baby, and had a "gender reveal" the week before break. Guess what.....IT'S A GIRL!!! We're all so excited for her.

On another note, as we settle back in for a few more months of this school year, we will also be experiencing new learning in the form of FIELD TRIPS. Here's an update...

April 29 - 5th Grade to Lowell Mass

May 11-13 - 6th Grade: Hulbert

June 1 - 5th Grade: Orienteering on Sunday Mountain

Please let us know if you'd like to be involved in any of these fun trips - we'd love to have you!

Also, don't forget to mark your calendars for 6th Grade Graduation!  It will be held in the Samuel Morey Gym on Friday, June 10th!

Sunday, April 10, 2016


We hope you're all enjoying the cool spring sunshine!
 The sixth grade enjoyed the dance performance at the Hood last Friday.

There are lots of things coming up soon, so please be sure to check the dates below!!

 Upcoming Events:
•    April 13th--EXPO 5:30-7:00 at the Rivendell Academy
      **If your student plans on attending, we'd love their help at any of the 5/6 tables

*   April 29th--5th grade field trip to Lowell, Mass.
      **Details to follow...

•    May 11th-13th--6th grade Hulbert Trip
      **Let us know if you are interested in being a chaperone!

*    May 18th--6th grade Lion's Club Peace Poster Celebration
       **This will be an after-school event...details to follow

*    June 1st--5th grade Orienteering field trip to Sunday Mountain 9:00- 2:00
      **We're also looking for chaperones for this trip

•    June 10th--6th grade graduation

Monday, April 4, 2016

The fifth and sixth grade teacher-team got to go on our own field trip last week! We left your students in good hands for two days as we headed to Providence, Rhode Island to a conference hosted by the New England League of Middle Schools.

We were motivated by the many inspiring presenters there, and are excited to bring what we learned, experienced, and thought about back to the classrooms. In fact, we already have done a bit of this - even on our first day back!

It was so great to have such a rich learning experience as a team. Middle school students have their own unique challenges, but more importantly, bring so many new ideas and ways of thinking to share with each other as they learn together each day.  There really is "Magic in the Middle"!

On another note, the 6th Grade will be traveling to the HOP Friday morning. There, they will get to experience a dance performance presented by dancers from Brazil. Lucky them!!

Other Important Dates:
•    April 13th--EXPO (5:30-7:00)
•    May 11th-13th--6th grade Hulbert Trip
•    June 10th--Graduation (and last day of school)

Please, as always, be sure to check out the individual class pages on the blog for more information!!