We are so thankful we get to spend our days with your curious, energetic, fun, inquisitive, and eager students. Thank you for not only sharing your children with us, but for your continued support and investment in your child's education at home. It truly does take a village!
Report cards will be going home with students on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Keiling would like to share some further information about our grading system:
Dear Sixth Grade Parents and Guardians,
The Rivendell School District uses standards based report cards for students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. These report cards are issued three times a year. Sixth grade is the year we transition from a completely standard based report card to a combination of standards and percentile grades for their core academic subjects of Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Math.
On your child’s report card you will see a percentile grade. The range will be:
· 90-100 A
· 80-89 B
· 70-79 C
· Incomplete I
Anything below a 70 on a test will be considered an incomplete and students will be required to review the work and retake the test.
Their grade will be based on 15% homework and 85% test, quizzes and projects.
If you have any questions about your child’s grade, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teachers.
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